Monday, 8 December 2014

Reasons for Healthcare Crisis in India

While India has made rapid strides in raising economic growth and lifted millions out of poverty, progress in improving healthcare has been slow.

In its recent assessment of the Indian economy, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) identified India’s poor health outcomes as one of our major developmental challenges. India is a laggard in health outcomes not just by OECD standards, but also by the standards of the developing world. In 2012, India witnessed 253 deaths per 100,000 persons due to communicable diseases alone, much higher than the global average of 178. India faces a higher disease burden than other emerging economies such as China, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico and Sri Lanka, as the charts below illustrate. Even poorer neighbours such as Nepal and Bangladesh have a better record in health compared to India. 

While India has made rapid strides in raising economic growth and lifted millions out of poverty, progress in improving health outcomes has been slow. As a result, India continues to face an extraordinarily high disease burden, which saps the productivity of Indian workers and lowers their earnings. According to a 2010 World Bank estimate, India loses 6% of its gross domestic product (GDP) annually because of premature deaths and preventable illnesses. 

A key reason behind the poor health of the average Indian is the low level of public investments in preventive health facilities such as sanitation and waste management, as well as in medical care facilities such as primary health centres and health professionals. Even when public health facilities are available, they are often of poor quality. The poorest income classes receive fewer benefits from the public health system than their better-o peers. The lack of reliable public health services and the absence of health insurance compel the poor to spend heavily on private medical care. According to a 2011 research paper by Soumitra Ghosh of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, out-of-pocket health expenditures account for nearly one-sixth of India’s poverty burden. The high costs of healthcare also act as a deterrent for poor people in seeking treatment, leading to delays and aggravating health problems. 

1) India has one of the highest disease burdens in the world. Many more die of preventable diseases in India than in other countries. 

2) One big reason driving India’s health crisis is the unavailability of doctors and nurses. 

3) Another key reason for poor health of Indians is the high proportion of out-of-pocket expenditure on health because of low insurance coverage and weak public health systems, which forces even poor people to visit private medical practitioners, and drives up average health costs. High healthcare costs often lead people to delay treatment, aggravating health problems. 

4) Public health expenditure in India has moved up over the past decade, but still remains among the lowest in the world. 

5) India’s public health expenditure is not just low, it is also regressive. The poorest income classes benefit less from the public health system than the better-off sections of society.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Health Benefits of Drinking Water in the Morning

1. Drinking water balances the lymphatic system of your body. This prompts the lymph to reach your heart in a continuous motion. The lymph glands also help strengthen the immune system, which ultimately helps your body fight infections.

2. Drinking water first thing in the morning, it purges toxins from the blood, which results in glowing and better-looking skin.

3. Drinking water in the morning increases your metabolism by almost 25%, which ultimately leads to weight loss.

4. Drinking water helps in rehydration, which would help you get rid of headaches and back pain. These are often caused by dehydration.

5. Drinking water early in the morning would make you a regular cycle, as it helps in digestion of food and prevents constipation.

6. Drinking water helps you think better, as your brain is made up of fluid.

7. Drinking water also boosts your energy levels as the nutrients are absorbed better.

Also, when you start the habit of drinking water in the morning, start with not more than 4 glasses of water. Increase the intake eventually as you start to realize the advantages.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Foods to Prevent Arteries from Clogging

Arteries are the plumbing system of our body – they carry blood rich in oxygen and nutrients to every cell. Just like a house with bust plumbing is doomed, so too is the body if we let the arteries get clogged and hardened. Food high in saturated fats, processed sugars and chemicals, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, and lack of exercise, will reduce the arteries’ circumference, as gunk gets deposited on the walls. This condition is known as arteriosclerosis, and it’s a major risk factor for heart disease, heart attack and stroke.

Just as you can make your arteries deteriorate by what you eat, you can also keep them healthy by choosing the right food. Here is a list of foods that will help to prevent clogged arteries:

1. Kiwi and cantaloupe: Antioxidant-rich fruits that lower the LDL cholesterol (dubbed ‘bad cholesterol’) in the blood, and reduce plaque stuck to arterial walls. Eat one kiwi a day, or a cup of cantaloupe.

2. Oily fish: Salmon, tuna and herring all contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are a source of good fats and prevent the clogging plaque from forming. Make sure you get sustainably caught fish, and avoid buying farmed salmon, as its meat usually contains toxic chemicals and has less omega-3. Read here more about the amazing health benefits of omega-3 fish oil.

3. Berries and red grapes: Grapes contain flavonoids, which stop the bad cholesterol from oxidizing. Strawberries, cherries, cranberries and other berries contain powerful antioxidants and are packed with vitamins. Buy them organic to avoid the pesticide overload. You can find more information about the incredible healing properties of berries in my e-book The Healing Berry Guide. This e-book will teach you how to transform your health with berries.

4. Garlic: Reduces blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels. For medicinal effect, eat one to two minced raw garlic cloves. If you use supplements, look for the amount of allicin which is the garlic’s active ingredient.

5. Apples and grapefruits: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. The pectin (soluble fiber) in these fruits, lowers the bad cholesterol, while the minerals potassium and magnesium help to control blood pressure.

6. Spinach: Rich in vitamins A and C, which help to prevent the clogging plaque from developing. Popeye’s favorite food also contains lots of potassium and folic acid, thus lowering blood pressure.

7. Olive oil: A source of omega-3 fatty acids, olive oil is one of the good oils. Use cold-pressed organic oil and apply moderation in the amounts you eat, as fat is still fat. Read here more about the fantastic health benefits of olive oil.

8. Tomatoes: Antioxidant-rich food that prevents the oxidization of LDL cholesterol. If you consume them regularly, you can cut your risk of arteriosclerosis by half.

9. Green tea: Flavonoids in green tea are powerful antioxidants. A good quality green tea will also prevent the formation of blood clots and help maintain healthy linings of the arteries. Drink a cup a day. Find here more information about 8 amazing health benefits of green tea.

10. Pomegranate: Another great antioxidant-rich fruit. Pomegranate prevents the hardening of the arteries and can even reverse this disease.

11. Oats: Due to the high content of soluble fiber, oats lower bad cholesterol by removing it from the body. Eat 1 cup of oat-bran cereal daily to help reduce your bad cholesterol levels. If it’s a bit too much for breakfast, so just add in oatmeal or bran to dishes at other times of the day.

12. Walnuts – Contain polyunsaturated fats that are primarily found in plant-based oils and foods and can improve your cholesterol levels, decrease your heart disease risk, lessen your chance of type 2 diabetes and regulate blood pressure. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids that help clear clogged arteries. Eating a small, palm-sized portion per day will help to clean the arteries and keep blood flow strong throughout your body.

You have the power in your hands to choose to eat healthy foods to maintain your body health, especially when it comes to your heart health. You can maintain your arteries clean with the above foods that are simple and easy to find.