Children, young, adults and old people are becoming internally weak due to increasing pollution.
Let us know how to improve the resistance power by following certain natural remedies.
1. Eat two to three good quality figs in the morning and drink 250 gm milk having sugar candy to improve the disease fighting capacity. It is a very nutritious breakfast for elderly people. Take it regularly for two to three weeks. It overcomes constipation and blood impurities. It also removes lethargy and laziness.
2. Soak two walnuts and four almonds and seven dry raisins (seedless) in water at night. Chew them nicely and eat in the morning. Drink 250 gm milk mixed with sugar candy. It gives physical and mental strength to the elderly people. Take this remedy regularly for three months to regain strength and vigor. It improves resistance power to a great extent.
3. Take one part of seedless dry dates, two parts of dry coconut pieces, and three parts of sugar candy. Cut the dates and coconut into small pieces and mix in sugar candy. This is a tasty and healthy breakfast for children.
4. Soak one almond in water at night and rub it on stone and make a thick paste. Mix one gram glucose or honey in this paste. Give this is to the infant in the morning on empty stomach from the fourth month for proper mental and physical growth.
5. Eat two to three ripe bananas after meals regularly to strengthen the body. It increases fat and muscles and makes the body attractive. Take it regularly for two months.
6. Spinach is known as the treasure of iron and copper. It is a good source of vitamin B complex. It increases red blood cells and overcomes mental stress, worries, low or high blood pressure, joint pain, and swelling.
7. Take half cup of beetroot juice three to four times daily to increase disease fighting capacity. It is also beneficial in case of blood cancer.
8. Grind aniseeds and coriander seeds in equal quantity and sieve it. Add sugar candy or sugar and take six gram with water after meals to reduce burning sensation in hands and legs.
Let us know how to improve the resistance power by following certain natural remedies.
1. Eat two to three good quality figs in the morning and drink 250 gm milk having sugar candy to improve the disease fighting capacity. It is a very nutritious breakfast for elderly people. Take it regularly for two to three weeks. It overcomes constipation and blood impurities. It also removes lethargy and laziness.
2. Soak two walnuts and four almonds and seven dry raisins (seedless) in water at night. Chew them nicely and eat in the morning. Drink 250 gm milk mixed with sugar candy. It gives physical and mental strength to the elderly people. Take this remedy regularly for three months to regain strength and vigor. It improves resistance power to a great extent.
3. Take one part of seedless dry dates, two parts of dry coconut pieces, and three parts of sugar candy. Cut the dates and coconut into small pieces and mix in sugar candy. This is a tasty and healthy breakfast for children.
4. Soak one almond in water at night and rub it on stone and make a thick paste. Mix one gram glucose or honey in this paste. Give this is to the infant in the morning on empty stomach from the fourth month for proper mental and physical growth.
5. Eat two to three ripe bananas after meals regularly to strengthen the body. It increases fat and muscles and makes the body attractive. Take it regularly for two months.
6. Spinach is known as the treasure of iron and copper. It is a good source of vitamin B complex. It increases red blood cells and overcomes mental stress, worries, low or high blood pressure, joint pain, and swelling.
7. Take half cup of beetroot juice three to four times daily to increase disease fighting capacity. It is also beneficial in case of blood cancer.
8. Grind aniseeds and coriander seeds in equal quantity and sieve it. Add sugar candy or sugar and take six gram with water after meals to reduce burning sensation in hands and legs.