Monday, 21 January 2013

Improve Resistance Power by Natural Remedies

Children, young, adults and old people are becoming internally weak due to increasing pollution.
Let us know how to improve the resistance power by following certain natural remedies.
1. Eat two to three good quality figs in the morning and drink 250 gm milk having sugar candy to improve the disease fighting capacity. It is a very nutritious breakfast for elderly people. Take it regularly for two to three weeks. It overcomes constipation and blood impurities. It also removes lethargy and laziness.
2. Soak two walnuts and four almonds and seven dry raisins (seedless) in water at night. Chew them nicely and eat in the morning. Drink 250 gm milk mixed with sugar candy. It gives physical and mental strength to the elderly people. Take this remedy regularly for three months to regain strength and vigor. It improves resistance power to a great extent.
3. Take one part of seedless dry dates, two parts of dry coconut pieces, and three parts of sugar candy. Cut the dates and coconut into small pieces and mix in sugar candy. This is a tasty and healthy breakfast for children.
4. Soak one almond in water at night and rub it on stone and make a thick paste. Mix one gram glucose or honey in this paste. Give this is to the infant in the morning on empty stomach from the fourth month for proper mental and physical growth.
5. Eat two to three ripe bananas after meals regularly to strengthen the body. It increases fat and muscles and makes the body attractive. Take it regularly for two months.
6. Spinach is known as the treasure of iron and copper. It is a good source of vitamin B complex. It increases red blood cells and overcomes mental stress, worries, low or high blood pressure, joint pain, and swelling.
7. Take half cup of beetroot juice three to four times daily to increase disease fighting capacity. It is also beneficial in case of blood cancer.
8. Grind aniseeds and coriander seeds in equal quantity and sieve it. Add sugar candy or sugar and take six gram with water after meals to reduce burning sensation in hands and legs.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Reducing your cholesterol

To reduce cholesterol:
· First cut down on saturated fats.

To do this:
· Eat lean meat. Select lean cuts and ask your butcher to cut off
  the fat.
· Drink skim milk instead of whole milk.
Do the same for all dairy products. Note that vegetarians have a
much lower cholesterol level (almost twice as low as average) which is perfectly understandable, since cholesterol is only found in products derived from animals.
· Alcohol - in moderation. Not more than two glasses a day.
However, it does appear that drinking a moderate amount of alcohol raises the number of HDL lipids (the good ones!), which break down cholesterol. (Moderation = two 4 oz. glasses of wine or two 12 oz. beers.)
· Do regular exercise, for example walking.
· Take Vitamin E. It reduces the risk of coronary disease.
· Calcium brewer’s yeast, Vitamin C and Vitamin B-6 also
combat the accumulation of cholesterol. And don’t forget lecithin,
which helps fight excess cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, hypertension

and angina (as well as psoriasis, anxiety and diabetes - and reduces
the likelihood of contracting cancer). Losing weight is a good way to raise your HDL level.
· Use poly-unsaturated, non-hydrogenated, cold pressed oil: corn
oil, sunflower seed oil, soy, flax etc. A mono-unsaturated oil like
olive oil can even raise your HDL level.
· Daily consumption of fish would be ideal for preventing
cardio-vascular problems, as demonstrated conclusively in a number of studies on fish-eating populations (Eskimos for example). Ideally, you would eat fish twice a day. And as strange as this sounds, you should select the fattest kinds: mackerel, sardines, herring, salmon etc.
As for the oil in the fish, it is used to treat arterial disorders. Its
effects can be felt in about six weeks. Fish oil contains two
poly-unsaturated fatty acids which are very beneficial for the arteries.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Brain Damaging Habits

1. No Breakfast

People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.

This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

2 . Overeating

It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

3. Smoking

It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

4. High Sugar consumption

Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing

malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

5. Air Pollution

The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our 20 body. Inhaling polluted air

decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain


6 . Sleep Deprivation

Sleep allows our brain to rest.. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate

the death of brain cells..

7. Head covered while sleeping

Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide

and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

8. Working your brain during illness

Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness

of the brain as well as damage the brain.

9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts

Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts

may cause brain shrinkage.

10. Talking Rarely

Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain

A Miracle Remedy: Fiber

If we offered you a miracle remedy that prevents cardiac disease,
certain types of cancer, diabetes, obesity, tooth decay and varicose
veins, would you buy it? Certainly you would.

There is such a product. But it is not a recent discovery and you
won’t find it in a pharmacy but at the grocery store. We are talking
about fiber.

A study conducted in Holland on 871 men, over a period of ten
years, showed that subjects who had a low fiber diet were three
times more susceptible to mortal disease - causes notwithstanding -
than those who ate a lot of fiber (Future Youth).

This said, it cannot be confirmed at present that fiber prevents
the above mentioned diseases in all cases. But there is conclusive
proof that they occur more frequently in populations with low fiber
diets which is precisely the case in the west.

According to The Lancet (the British Medical Journal) a diet
which contains at least 37 grams of fiber per day (the equivalent of
one cup of bran, one apple, one potato and a half cup of cooked
spinach) can effectively protect the organism against chronic illnesses
common to western society.

So fiber is useful in combatting many disorders
besides constipation.

Notably white bread (since fiber is removed in white flour),
beef, pork, chicken, milk, butter, cheese, sugar, processed meats,
desserts, fish, seafood and noodles.

· Fruits: especially apples and prunes.
· Vegetables: potatoes with their peel, spinach, artichokes,
cabbage, peas.
· Whole grains: barley, whole wheat (you should eat whole
wheat bread because of the bran it contains), oats, corn.
· Nuts: peanuts and almonds.
· Dried fruit: apricots, plums, figs, dates.
· Legumes: soy beans, lima beans, lentils, chick peas.

Note that there are numerous types of fiber, and that you should
alternate between them. For example, the fiber contained in apples
and the fiber in cereals are both essential, since they don’t have the
same digestive function.

Losing weight

Pakistani women have an amazing trick they use to stay slim: they
keep a string permanently tied around their forearms. According to
Dr. Drupas, a gentle but constant pressure on the nerves in the
forearm stimulates certain glands, particularly those involved in
weight control (thyroid, suprarenals).

Why don’t you try it? Find two ordinary rubber bands and place
them around your right forearm, one third of the way up between your wrist and elbow.

The rubber bands should exert noticeable pressure without cutting
off blood circulation and should not slip or slide when you move
your arm. This is not a tourniquet!

For best results, you have to wear the rubber bands constantly,
even at night when you sleep. It is also recommended not to wear any other jewelry on the right arm.

Avoid eye problems caused by T.V. and monitors

The eye was not made to be constantly focused on close objects.

If your work requires that you stare at a computer screen all day long  or if you watch a lot of television, stop from time to time to do a few eye exercises.

For example, roll your eyes in large circles in both directions;
look over to each side as far as possible and then go from up to
down; or scan an imaginary text on the wall from left to right; or look out the window as far as you can following the horizon then return to a point right in front of you and begin again.

In this way, you will avoid long term eye problems, you will enlarge your inner space, and relax both your eyes and your mind.

Care for your heart while you sleep

In which position do you sleep?

If you sleep on your stomach or on your left side, you are putting

pressure on your heart with the extra body weight, while the heart has to continue pumping blood as usual.

This additional burden wears the heart out more quickly. Think

about it - you spend more than one third of your life sleeping!

To reduce the strain on your heart, sleep on your right side, or on

your back. This simple technique will add years to your life.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

How to fight aging

Did you know that just walking for 30 minutes, 3 or 4 times a
week is enough to combat aging?

According to researchers at the University of California, one of
the principle causes of deterioration of the human organism’s physical
faculties is its diminished ability to metabolize glucose. And they
showed that even leisurely exercise, like taking a walk, plays an
important role in keeping glucose metabolism functioning smoothly.

Do you spend the whole day sitting at your desk or in front of a
computer screen? Why not get up occasionally and do a few minutes
of physical exercise? Don’t worry about what other people think.

In some Japanese companies, it is even become a collective
habit. Every twenty minutes a bell sounds, and everybody gets up to
do some stretching exercises, after which they sit down again as if
nothing had happened. Japanese managers are convinced that their
employees are more productive when they are relaxed.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Why a brisk walk is a really great workout

This activity will melt away the pounds, tone your flabby bits and leave you on an emotional high. Yet the form of exercise destined to become the fitness trend of 2007 does not require gym membership or a personal trainer. All you need to do is walk.

"Walking is a refreshing alternative to complicated aerobic routines and overpriced gym memberships," says personal trainer Lucy Knight, author of a new book on the exercise.

"It is free, enjoyable and already a part of everyday life. All you need to do is correct your technique, walk faster and for longer and you will lose weight."

There is much evidence of the benefits of walking. Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh recently revealed that overweight people who walked briskly for 30 to 60 minutes a day lost weight even if they didn't change any other lifestyle habits.

Another American study found that people who walked for at least four hours a week gained less weight (an average nine pounds less) than couch potatoes as they got older. Last year, researchers at the University of Colorado found that regular walking helped to prevent peripheral artery disease (which impairs blood flow in the legs and causes leg pain in one-fifth of elderly people).

Walking can even prevent colds and more

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts medical school found that people who walked every day had 25 percent fewer colds than those who were sedentary.

Because walking is a weight-bearing exercise, it can also help prevent the bone disease osteoporosis.

"Bones are like muscles in the way that they get stronger and denser the more demands you place on them," Knight says. "The pull of a muscle against a bone, together with the force of gravity when you walk, will stress the bone -- which responds by stimulating tissue growth and renewal."

Best of all, walking makes you feel good about yourself. "For people suffering from depression, walking three to four times a week for 30 minutes has been shown to enhance their mood," says Knight.

Even if a 20 minute power walk at lunchtime is all you manage, after six weeks it could be comparable to a course of psychotherapy, psychologists at the University of Illinois found. Here's how to walk your way to weight loss and wellness:

How much, how often?

Health experts recommend that we should walk 10,000 steps a day (about five miles) to stay healthy, yet most Britons walk only 4,500 steps. You would probably need to tot up at least 16,000 steps a day to lose weight.

Knight suggests the following workout plans, depending on your level of fitness. With each, you should aim to progress by increasing the duration of your walk by five minutes every two weeks, and the intensity by walking faster. "In just three months, the results should speak for themselves," says Knight.


Monday to Saturday: Walk ten minutes at a moderate pace.

Sunday: Walk slowly for 20 minutes.


Monday: Rest

Tuesday to Friday: Walk for 25 minutes at a moderate pace one day, 30 minutes the next.

Saturday: Walk 20 minutes fast.

Sunday: Walk 45 minutes at a moderate pace.


Monday: Rest.

Tuesday to Friday: Walk 45 minutes at a moderate pace one day and 50 minutes the next day.

Saturday: Walk 50 minutes at a fast pace.

Sunday: Walk 60 minutes at a moderate pace.

Perfect your technique

To burn fat quickly and effectively, you should master power-walking. "Without it you will struggle to increase your pace and your weight loss will plateau," says Knight. Stand tall with your arms by your sides and pull your navel towards your spine so that your core muscles are working.

Focus your eyes five to six meters ahead and keep your shoulders relaxed. Bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle and cup your hands lightly, rather than clenching your fists.

Leading with the heel, take a step forward with your right foot and move your arms in opposition (i.e. as your left arm moves forward, your right moves back). Transfer your weight through the heel of your right foot.

"It is very easy, once you start concentrating on the movement, to forget about breathing," says Knight. "Try to get into a pattern, counting the number of steps to each in-and-out breath, making it the same each time."

Vary the terrain

Adding hills to your route will speed up calorie burning. "On really steep inclines, it's not unusual for even a fit person's heart rate to increase by about 20 percent," says Knight. Going downhill, you have to contract your leg muscles to work against gravity and slow your descent.

Walking on softer surfaces such as mud, sand or grass also uses more energy than walking on concrete. Every time your foot hits the ground, it creates a small depression so that the leg muscles must work harder to push upwards and forwards for the next step. Walking on cobblestones or rocky ground may have even more benefits.

Physiologists at the Oregon Research Institute have found cobblestone walking lowers blood pressure and improves balance. The uneven surfaces may stimulate acupressure points on the soles of the feet, regulating blood pressure. Because it is challenging, it will also burn more calories.

Walking styles

Think walking is boring? Then try these alternatives:

Nordic walking -- Nordic walking, which uses ski-like poles, has proven benefits. Professor John Pocari, an exercise physiologist at the University of Wisconsin, who has studied its effects, says using walking poles forces people to pick up their pace and work harder without realizing it.

"Just the fact that you are using your arms through a greater range of motion than normal means you burn more calories," says Pocari. On average, people use 20 percent more calories when they use poles. Participants in his studies increased their upper body strength by 40 percent and reduced impact on vulnerable hips, ankles and knees by 26 percent compared with running.

Mall walking -- Called 'mallercise' in the U.S., this was originally devised by doctors, who encouraged cardiac patients to incorporate indoor walking in shopping malls to hasten their rehab.

"It is a fantastic way to walk as you don't breathe in toxic car fumes, shopping centers are usually open seven days a week and good weather is guaranteed," says Knight.

Treadmills -- Because they are sprung, treadmills offer softer and easier terrain than a hard road, placing less strain on your joints, says Knight. This makes them a good option for people with joint or back problems. The downside is that, on a flat setting, they don't require the same level of exertion, so set them on a slight incline.